Rivendilo.ch, 6974 Lugano-Aldesago, Switzerland
Disclaimer / Copyrights
All content (text, images, graphics, layout, etc.) present of this website
www.rivendilo.ch and on the App Rivendilo belong to their respective owners.
The photos on our site are the property of:
- Freepik.com – in details by:
fwstudio on Freepik
wayhomestudio on Freepik
senivpetro on Freepik
halayalex on Freepik
Racool studio on Freepik
vecstock on Freepik
Rawpixel.com on Freepik
chandlervid85 on Freepik
pvproductions on Freepik
macrovector on Freepik - Pexels.com – in details by:
Andrea Piacquadio
PhotoMIX Company
Texts, photos, graphics, materials included in the portal may not be published, rewritten, marketed, distributed, radio or video broadcast, by users and third parties in general, in any way and in any form unless prior authorization from Rivendilo.ch.
The content offered by this portal is compiled with the utmost care/diligence, and subjected to careful scrutiny. Rivendilo.ch however, disclaims all liability, direct and indirect, towards users and in general to any third party, for any inaccuracies, errors, omissions, damages (direct, indirect, consequential, punishable and sanctionable) arising from the above content.
Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved.
Tutti i contenuti (testi, immagini, grafica, layout ecc.) presenti di questo sito Internet
www.rivendilo.ch e sull’App Rivendilo appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari.
Le foto presenti sul nostro sito sono di proprietà di:
- Freepik.com – in particolare di:
fwstudio on Freepik
wayhomestudio on Freepik
senivpetro on Freepik
halayalex on Freepik
Racool studio on Freepik
vecstock on Freepik
Rawpixel.com on Freepik
chandlervid85 on Freepik
pvproductions on Freepik
macrovector on Freepik - Pexels.com – in particolare di:
Andrea Piacquadio
PhotoMIX Company
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I contenuti offerti da questo portale sono redatti con la massima cura/diligenza, e sottoposti ad un accurato controllo. Rivendilo.ch tuttavia, declina ogni responsabilità, diretta e indiretta, nei confronti degli utenti e in generale di qualsiasi terzo, per eventuali imprecisioni, errori, omissioni, danni (diretti, indiretti, conseguenti, punibili e sanzionabili) derivanti dai suddetti contenuti.
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